If you are like many people today, you often carry your debit and credit cards everywhere, but don’t carry that much cash. But when your friends decide to head out to a concert or you need a few extra dollars to tip your waiter, having cash on hand becomes a necessity. One of the best ways to get cash in a hurry is to stop by your local ATM – and here are two reasons why:
1. Convenience – If your bank is closed on the weekend, or it’s 5:30pm on a Friday, you know waiting in the drive-thru for your cash is not an option. Heading over to your local ATM provides the convenient money you need in just a few minutes without the hassle of driving across town or fighting with other banking customers to get your weekend cash.
2. Versatility – Not only can you grab some easy cash, but local ATMs are now more versatile than ever, allowing you to transfer money, check your balance, and much more all in one simple transaction. Your local ATM often offers the same services as your regular bank, but without the hassle of driving across town.
All thirteen of our Cubbard Express locations have a local ATM station that allows you to conduct all of your purchases and monetary transactions in one place. Our friendly and professional staff can assist you in finding the best monthly deals, provide you with gas savings, and make sure you are on your way in no time. Visit your local ATM, and make us your local gas station at Cubbard Express! We look forward to serving you.